5 Steps to make a conscious effort to live in the moment in order to appreciate and be grateful for yourself and others around you.

Faiz Afkham
2 min readJan 19, 2023

Living in the moment is a practice that helps us to appreciate and be grateful for ourselves and those around us. However, it’s easy to forget to do this when life gets busy or stressful. To help you make a conscious effort to live in the moment, here are five simple steps you can take:

Step 1: Pay Attention to Your Thoughts
Your thoughts have the power to shape your reality. So, if your mind is constantly preoccupied with worries about the future or regrets about the past, it will keep you from being able to appreciate and savor the present moment. Start by noticing when these thoughts arise and then practice redirecting your attention back to what’s happening in front of you.

Step 2: Practice Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is an ancient Eastern practice that simply means using focused attention on your body’s sensations and your thoughts as they come and go without judgment. With regular practice, mindfulness can help reduce stress and anxiety levels by helping people learn how to stay present in the moment instead of worrying or ruminating about the future or past.

Step 3: Focus on Your Breath
When you find yourself distracted by anxious thoughts or worries, try focusing on your breath instead — specifically its slow rhythmic pattern. Focusing on your breath encourages relaxation while also helping anchor you back into the moment.

Step 4: Notice Your Surroundings
By actively engaging our senses (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch), we open up our awareness to an appreciation of all that surrounds us in any given moment — whether it be nature’s beauty or even just good company. Make a point of taking a few moments each day just for noticing what’s around you without judgment or interpretation — just pure awareness and appreciation of yourself within this world.

express thankfulness for ourselves as well as others around us — however small — incalculable benefits can result not only within our own hearts but often in those around us as well

Step 5: Show Gratitude for Yourself & Others
Showing gratitude for who we are and what we have allows us to better appreciate our lives as well as those around us who help make our lives what they are. By making an effort each day to express thankfulness for ourselves as well as others around us — however small — incalculable benefits can result not only within our own hearts but often in those around us as well; creating joy out of circumstances that may otherwise feel dull or difficult at times.

